Carne - Wood & Oven


Folar de carnes

Ingredientes 200g carne de porco a gosto 1 chouriço 1 queijo 1 cebola Alecrim Tomilho Paprika Vinho branco Pimenta Noz-moscada Massa 400g farinha de trigo tipo 55 4 ovos 20ml azeite 8g levedura ou fermento de padeiro Preparação Comece por preparar a massa envolvendo a farinha com os ovos, azeite e levedura ou fermento de padeiro. Amasse bem e deixe levedar idealmente 24h ou no mínimo duas horas.   Tempere a carne de porco com paprika, alecrim, azeite, alho e um toque de vinho branco. De seguida, salteie com azeite e cebola. Pode optar por cozer as carnes. Corte o chouriço em pedaços e envolva com a carne salteada e com o queijo em pedaços.  Tempere com pimenta e noz-moscada. Envolva um pouco de farinha para que o recheio fique bem envolvido e absorva todo o líquido e não saia fora da massa quando for ao forno. Amasse de novo e estenda a massa. Recheie com as carnes e feche a massa no formato de bola. Pincele com um ovo, coloque um alecrim por cima e leve ao forno a 220ºC cerca de 30 minutos. 

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Lasanha de Curgete Fit

Ingredients 2 zucchinis (can use lasagna sheets)Ground beef 1 onionTomato sauceGrated cheese Preparation | Bechamel Sauce: In a saucepan, combine a portion of the plant-based milk and the tablespoons of oat flour. Dissolve well. Add the remaining milk and heat on the stove, stirring until it thickens. Season and add the grated cheese. Preparation: Prepare the Bolognese sauce (ground beef, onion, tomato sauce). Using a knife, thinly slice the zucchini.In a baking dish, create layers starting with zucchini, Bolognese sauce, bechamel sauce, cheese, and repeat. Bake in the oven to gratinate for about 20 minutes.

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Pão com Chouriço

Ingredients 400g wheat flour 150 ml warm water 10g of dry baker’s yeast (1 sachet) 1 teaspoon of salt Chorizo slices to taste Preparation method In a large bowl, mix the wheat flour, salt, baker’s yeast, olive oil, and part of the water; Knead everything with your hands and gradually add the rest of the water, until the dough is completely covered and soft; When this process is finished, let the dough rise in a bowl covered with cling film for about 1 hour until the dough doubles in size; Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it some more. Separate the dough into 5 equal pieces and roll out each piece of dough into a rectangle. Add the chorizo slices and roll them up; Place the bread with chorizo in the Washington trays with parchment paper and bake at 220º for 30 minutes.

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